Our company is specialised in the collection of hard-to-collect demands. The office has been in business since 1929 and was taken over by Rudolf Hirt in 1957. With the entry of the second generation Hirt-Urfer AG was founded in 1991. We mainly work for small and medium-sized companies from many different branches, as well as for doctors, private persons and public corporations.
The benefits for our customers lie on the one hand in an operation and infrastructure that is specifically aligned to this very delicate work, and, on the other hand, in the efficient processing and in-depth knowledge of the material.
It is our philosophy that payments that are owed – whatever the amount – and must be settled. This is not only a question of equality of rights, but also a duty towards other customers who pay their bills promptly.
We would be very pleased to be able to include you in our circle of customers.